Hey! This seems like a nice framework ๐
I want to make a homepage which looks like a cinema.
It is extremely simple. The first page is a dark cinema room with a vimeo screen and a picture of people sitting in front of the screen. In the top I want an accordion menu.
Is it possible to make that with tis framework? I guess it is possible. But is it a good solution? I canยดt figure out how to get rid of the borders and marginals and everything.
I only want an off canvas menu+ a video slider (maybe a slider plugin)+ a picture of people sitting and looking at the screen.
And in the future: is it possible to add java script so that i can turn off/on the light and have a curtain and so on. Maybe I should build the whole thing in Java. Im a complete newbie with a goal. Do you think this is the right place to start?
Thank you ๐

Hey Jesper,
Pretty much everything is possible with Beans ๐ What you described seems fairly easy but without seeing a wireframe it is very hard to point you to the right direction. Could you maybe share the wireframe of what you are looking to achieve using Cloudup?

Tank you for the reply!
My goal is to make it look something like this: https://cldup.com/55HF5OuYVZ.jpg No scrolling.
Is it is possible for an image to overlap the player.
How du you think I should do?

Maybe this animation gives you a better understanding of wher im aiming:)

That is an interesting effect! I am hoping someone can step in and add some code to it.
As it could show how to add effects to a beans theme.