Hi eveyone,
I'm making some changes in my test site: http://www.tupodes.pt/ter-um-site/ And I inserted a panel according to uikit instructions for creating: "uk-panel uk-panel-hover". In css, I tried to change the background color on hover:
.uk-panel:hover {
border-radius: 6px;
background-color: #f2f7ff;
The thing is that it also changes the background color on hover for widgets. So, how can I change the background color on hover for the uk-panel without affecting the widgets on-hover?
Thanks in advance for any help provided. Sami

Hey Sami,
This is because you are targeting all .uk-panel
on the page. If you want to affect only the widgets in your content, your code would be as such:
.tm-article-content .uk-panel:hover {
border-radius: 6px;
background-color: #f2f7ff;
This is not related to Beans but basic CSS, I would suggest to dive in CSS tutorials to understand how the cascaded elements work which will help you to undertsand how to target specific elements on the page.
Have fun,

Thanks Thierry!
I told you already I'm not pro in html nor css. But I'm doing my best. At least I'm making some effort.

Hey Sami, it really great that you are doing efforts and not giving up, this is the only way to grow and I am very happy to see user like you putting their heart in learning how to code, especially using Beans.
The goal on this forum is to help people with Beans, but also with WordPress and development in general. That is why I usually don't just give an answer but also point people to tutorials and mention what is fundatmental to learn to become a better developer (or site builder not to say developer) when necessary π You will notice that I put a lot of effort to give details answer and truly appreciate when users are willing to learn and eventually end up building beautiful and well written websites.
Have fun,

Yes Thierry,
That is why I usually don't just give an answer but also point people to tutorials and mention what is fundatmental to learn to become a better developer (or site builder not to say developer) when necessary π You will notice that I put a lot of effort to give details answer and truly appreciate when users are willing to learn and eventually end up building beautiful and well written websites. <
Exactly! That is the reason why I'm here!
Previsously, I did what most people do: I picked up a theme (I used many different themes before), did some minor changes, most of the times from customizer (I admit)...
But I wanted to do better. So, I tested many frameworks, most of them being (apparently) easier. I wanted a truly robust and truly lightweight platform.
I found that here.
And having from you the kind of support you provide, I can only be very grateful for!
Keep up the good work. Cheers!