Hi Theirry and GetBeans community,
I would like to know if it's possible to have an advanced search similar to Woo Commerce's search capability wherein:
- A user searches for "Trump" and it appears to have multiple search results, thus, it goes to a search results page.
- A user searches for "Hilary" and there's only one search result, thus it goes to /hilary details page.
- The search box has "Auto-complete" feature
If so, is there a Beans theme that supports this? I am somewhat new not only with WP but also in Beans walk around.
Many thanks.

Hey Bobby and welcome to Beans Community,
There isn't a magic solution to achieve what you are after. Beans uses WordPress Core search algorithm and their are multiple ways to modify it according to your needs. You will find plenty of tutorials explaining how to hook into WordPress search results and plugins if you don't want to code it yourself.
Regarding the autocomplete, it also comes down to whether you want to code it manually or use a plugin. If you take the manual root, I would advise to use the UIkit Autocomplete component 😉
Have fun,

Thanks Theirry.