Remove author from meta info


I have removed the author from the meta in on the single article page with this:

beans_add_filter( 'beans_post_meta_item_author_text_output', 'author_name' );

function author_name() {

  return '';


The author does not show but || is still visible, how can I remove that?

Hey Bas, this is because you are only removing the content and not the actual <li></li> HTML tag. Your code should be as follow:

// Remove the meta author content.
add_filter( 'beans_post_meta_item_author_text_output', '__return_false' );

// Remove the meta author wraping html tag.
beans_remove_markup( 'beans_post_meta_item_author' );

In your example you are adding a callback to return and empty output, in mine I use __return_false callback which is a WP core function which simple returns false. It is just a shortcut but does the same.

If you would like to dive a bit deeper, there is a filter called beans_post_meta_items which controls Beans post meta. It allows you to easily add, remove or re-order metas. In your case, your code would be as follow:

add_filter( 'beans_post_meta_items', 'beans_child_remove_post_meta_items' );

function beans_child_remove_post_meta_items( $items ) {

 unset( $items['author'] );

  return $items;


Hope that helps,

Thanks Thierry,

I also like the beans_post_meta_items too.

Great, glad to hear you like beans_post_meta_items, it is very handy 🙂

Is it possible to remove post meta just for pages, leaving it intact on posts?

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