Localhost/WordPress Featured Image missing source

Hello everybody! Solved the problem, Changed

$edit = apply_filters( 'beans_post_image_edit', **false** ); 

to true at

Path: lib/templates/fragments/post.php

Hi lIkay and welcome to Beans community ๐Ÿ™‚

You should never modify Beans core files as your changes would be overwritten next time you update Beans, just like it you would never modify WordPress Core files.

Beans automatically resize the post images to avoid loading oversized images. If you do not wish to used this, you should use the beans_post_image_edit filter in your child theme functions.php instead of modifying the core file. Here is the code snippet to trun image editing off:

add_filter( 'beans_post_image_edit', '__return_false' );

Happy coding,

PS: I moved your intro message in the Say hello and introduce yourself thread ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hello. Thank you for answer ๐Ÿ™‚ Nice to meet you. ๐Ÿ™‚

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