
Hi Thierry, I'm having trouble getting the lightbox functionality to work. I have installed it in my functions.php beans_uikit_enqueue_components( 'lightbox', 'add-ons' );

I have a test page set up with a single image:

<div class="uk-grid">
   <div class="uk-width-1-1">
      <img src="" data-uk-lightbox title="" alt="">

The lightbox begins to open but does not display the image. The browser console is showing me this JS error. TypeError: n.source is undefined

This is a my test page:

Hi Steve, this works for me:

<a  href="$mainimage['url']" data-uk-lightbox data-lightbox-type="image">
  <img  src="$thumbnail->src ">

In this case I show a larger image in the lightbox itself.

Thanks Bas! changed it to:

<a href="" data-uk-lightbox data-lightbox-type="image"><img  src=""></a>

and it's now working. Cheers.

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