less, gulp, css, compiling

Hey, every one, thank you for the greet theme, i want to ask how can i compile less fille?

and when i use gulp watch-bs, i get this error

user:tm-beans user$ gulp watch-bs [10:48:02] Local gulp not found in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/bullhorn/wp-content/themes/tm-beans [10:48:02] Try running: npm install gulp

and when i install gulp , i get

npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/bullhorn/wp-content/themes/tm-beans/package.json' npm WARN tm-beans No description npm WARN tm-beans No repository field. npm WARN tm-beans No README data npm WARN tm-beans No license field. user:tm-beans user$ gulp watch-bs [11:05:11] No gulpfile found

can you help me ?


Hello Amel,

You don't need to run NPM to recompile LESS files. All you need to do is download the starter child theme, install it and active development mode under Admin->Appearance->Settings. You are then ready to start writting in LESS in your child theme style.less file. Beans will automatically recognize file changes, therefore it will automatically recompile when you make changes (in dev mode only) and process it for you πŸ™‚

You will find inline comments in your child theme which should be pretty self-explanatory. I will glady answer any other question you may have πŸ™‚

Happy coding,

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