Hi Folks,
It's the first time i play around with Beans and i like it! Thanx!
I have a question and i hope you can help me. I setup the child theme and now i want the change teh post layout. Normally i would change the single.php. How is this done with Beans?
Anyhelp would be great!
Grtz, Martijn

If it's changing the design for the single posts you can create a single.php in your child theme and following with setting-up how you see fit as shown in the docs.

Hi Martijn 3001,
You are right about creating single.php
. There are two ways to customize single.php
A more advanced way, using the Beans API:
* Single.php
function my_post_title() {
echo 'something';
// Beans API functions:
beans_modify_action_callback( 'beans_post_title', 'my_post_title' );
beans_add_attribute( /* some parameters */ );
beans_remove_markup( /* some parameters */ );
// etc...
// At the end of the file.
Or the classic way, as you used before:
* Single.php
// customizations.
function my_post_title() {
echo 'something';
// document.
// Maybe call the pre-build functions from `tm-beans\lib\templates\fragments\`:
my_post_title(); // custom title.
// etc...;
// the sidebars are hooked into `get_header()`, so, no need to call them here.

Hi Dee & Joseph,
Thank you very much for replying and helping me with examples! It helps me a lot while finding my way through the Beans Frameswork! Your help is greatly appreciated and helps me to go on.
I really like the advanced way using the Beans API.
Grtz, Martijn