My name is Cy Jung. You can call me Cy. I am afraid English. But I found this site especially this forum what is looks like so I try to join^^
I am writer(was photographer) and I am not technician. This mean, I don't know any coding^^ But I still have & manage my own website for my dream.
- My website: 43gear.com
My dream is make good community website not like sns^^ My website have forum(home for community), blog(portfolio for writer, designer)... Which is Buddypress website...
I am very happy with my website especially very clean look theme(I always like clean). However, even if I love my website, maybe one day I will going to UltimateMember from Buddypress why my feel Buddypress is so heavy^^ Also, I always looking for more safe & lighter forum tool. That's how I found "Beans" maybe^^
By the way, thank you for read this. If my English give you some headache, for give me^^
Have a really great day.

Hi Cy.
Welcome to the Beans community!
There are a mix of forum posts here you can go through as well as various documentation. I have a site dedicated to teaching Beans (I am learning a lot along the way myself.)

Hello, dear,,
I must viist^^ Thank you for information^^