Hi, i just finished thisn project : http://pkf.webstantly.com/ and remove the dev mode, on my demo server and on my local install there is no problem
But when the client transfer to his hosting (flywheel): on this page : http://pkf.flywheelsites.com/grantees/ the dynamic grid and filters doesn't work anymore it seems to be because js doesn't load i have read this discussion , but this is different : https://community.getbeans.io/discussion/jquery-doesnt-load-when-development-mode-disabled/
I think i have to send you access to see the flywheel site
Tell me if you can help, or give a clue from where it can come from

Hey Alexandra,
I didn't get the access which makes it very difficult to identify the issue. Kindly make sure to send me the credentials privately (you have my email address) 😉

Hi, i don't have your email address only skype.
I have put them there and sent a message in contact here