Hi, I just would like ask you about how to add to Beans support for Header Footer Elementor plugin (It's just disable theme default header or footer and replaces it with custom header and footer created via plugin). So, now my child theme functions.php looks like (but it's only hides header without replacing it.):
// Disable beans header.
beans_remove_action( 'beans_header_partial_template' );
// Adding Elementor header and footer.
function your_prefix_render_hfe_header() {
if ( function_exists( 'hfe_render_header' ) ) {
add_action( 'beans_header_partial_template', 'your_prefix_render_hfe_header' );
It just a few lines of code but I'm not a programmer and a little confused with the guide written for another theme: https://github.com/Nikschavan/header-footer-elementor/wiki/Adding-Header-Footer-Elementor-support-for-your-theme
It would be just great to add support for such plugin for non-coders.
Warm regards Den

Someone created that HFE (header-footer-elementor) to automatically support 4-5 themes/frameworks.
You are using one of his methods hfe_render_header()
to render the Elementor's header, but that method is not defined in your functions.php.
To support it on Beans or any other theme, it needs a bit of customization and remove the unneccesary code that HFE is using to support other frameworks.
I never used Elementor or any Page Builders before, I am creating a theme myself, and i plan to support Elementor in the upcoming days. Once i will support it, i will share the code here.

Hi Joseph! Thank you very much! It is very nice to hear that you plan to support it in near future!