So I'm done with bloated themes and taking on the beauty of beans - yay!
My first question is if I create my custom home.php layout (http://www.getbeans.io/documentation/using-page-templates/), how do I add it to the layout options in edit page: http://prntscr.com/enewgv
Is there a doc for this?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Dan, welcome to Beans Community,
If you create a home.php
template file in your child theme, you don't have to register it as a layout as it would automatically be applied to your home page. Moreover, since it is a template file it should rather be registered as a page template rather than a layout if you would like to re-use it.
Are you intending to use the home template elsewhere?
Thanks for the reply Thierry.
My question was more about around having it as a layout option under the post, and add my own icon to show the user the layout so it feels more part of the theme (http://prnt.sc/enewgv), rather than the new template name in the template dropdown in page attributes.
Hi Dan,
Here is a snippet which you can use in your child theme to create a custom layout option with a custom template for it:
add_filter( 'beans_layouts', 'example_layout_options' );
* Add the layouts to the admin options.
* @param array $args An array of layouts.
* @return array Layouts ready for Beans 'imageradio' option type.
function example_layout_options( $layouts ) {
$layouts['example_layout'] = __( 'Example Layout', 'example' ); // You may add a url to your layout image instead of text.
return $layouts;
add_filter( 'template_include', 'example_template_include' );
* Filters the path of the current template before including it.
* @param string $template The path of the template to include.
* @return string The path of the template to include.
function example_template_include( $template ) {
if ( 'example_layout' === beans_get_layout() ) {
$example_template = locate_template( array( 'example-layout.php' ) );
if ( ! empty( $example_template ) ) {
return $example_template;
return $template;
- For the snippet above to work, you will have to create a file in your child theme root called
which will contain your custom template output. - The layout option in the backend will show as a radio option Example Layout. If you want an image, add the image in your child theme and change
__( 'Example Layout', 'example' )
with your image path.
Happy coding,