I'm find this issue show in below.
"Warning: Missing argument 3 for beans_post_gallery() in G:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\themes\tm-beans\lib\templates\fragments\post.php on line 745"
Any one tell me what is wrong

Hi Amaya,
Could you kindly let us know what version of WordPress you are running. As far I am aware, the $instance
argument (the argument missin in the error you posted) was added in WordPress 4.2.
Thanks 🙂

Thanks Thierry
I'm Using latest version wordpress 4.6. I'm try to many technique but I'm not find what is the reason of this issue. "Warning: Missing argument 3 for beans_post_gallery() in G:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\themes\tm-beans\lib\templates\fragments\post.php on line 745"

Hey Amaya,
I can't seem to reproduce this issue unfortunately. Do you perhaps have any plugins installed?