Updating to beans 1.4.0 remove categories dont work

I like to remove category breadcrumb, when i am in categories:

How to remove this:


I found this code is now in 1.4.0 version added, how to remove this action?

beans_add_smart_action( 'beans_before_loop', 'beans_post_archive_title' );
 * Echo archive post title.
 * @since 1.4.0
function beans_post_archive_title() {

  if ( ! is_archive() ) {

 beans_open_markup_e( 'beans_archive_title', 'h1', array( 'class' => 'uk-article-title' ) );

   beans_output_e( 'beans_archive_title_text', get_the_archive_title() );

  beans_close_markup_e( 'beans_archive_title', 'h1' );


I found solution:

beans_remove_action( 'beans_post_archive_title' );


Thanks Boris Novak, You have solved also my problem.

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