Modify the grid and widget size

Hi! I would like to perfect a website layout.

I would like to know if it is posible to do a couple of things in layout.

This is what I'd like to obtain:

A - Change the size of the primary sidebar to 20% of the page width. I don't know if this is the proper way to do it (in functions.php ?):

beans_replace_attribute( 'beans_sidebar_primary', 'class', 'uk-width-medium-1-4', 'uk-width-1-5 ' );

B - I would like to eliminate the notice of "no sidebar", because I may like to have the possibility of leaving the space empty, with no sidebars at all. I tried the function but it is not the same thing: this removes the sidebar AND the space occupied by it, by resizing the content area.

C - I would like to know if it is posible to create a flex container with 60% of total page width so the content gets centered on the page (bearing in mind the left sidebar is 20% width).

D - Below 800px, the content should be full-width.

Edited: I posted earlier this discussion in different means. But after some reasoning, I think this way will be cleaner.

Thanks in advance for any help on achieving this.

Hey Sami,

  1. Regarding change the grid width, have a look at this replie.
  2. To remove the no widget notice, you can add beans_remove_action( 'beans_no_widget' ); to your functions.php
  3. Banks child theme has a centered content as you described it, so I suggest you download it from the themes page and look into the code, it is the best way to learn πŸ˜‰

Have fun,


First of all, thanks for the tip on how to change the layout grid size. That's exactly what I needed.

Regarding the suggestion in your #3, thanks, but what I want is slightly different. I do like banks child theme, I installed it already, too. But what I want is slightly different. Bearing in mind that the left sidebar uses 20% width (after this mod), I will use the remaining 80% width for the post image, but for the content, i'll set it to 60%, leaving a margin on the right with 20%. I plan to achieve that with flexbox. Just need some testing now.


An update:

I managed to create the flex container I needed. A lot of testing but in the end it went out exactly is I needed. I'll tell you when it is online so you can see the end result.


Great stuff Sami, glad to hear you managed to get it working as you intended to πŸ™‚

Looking forward to seeing your work,

Hi Sami

Can you post the answer you figured out to the questions you raised? How you used it. Perhaps even include a link to where you are using it?

I am going through the forums looking for material to create tutorials.


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