Hello guys, after updating my parent theme Beans to its 1.4.0 version, I noticed that in the categories section and authors section of my website there is the title.
Category: name category
Author: Author Name
I have also created in my child theme, the category.php
and author.php
templates, but i don't know that i must write in them to modify the default title.
(I need to do a simple modify, adding a "<br/>
" after them).
I hope you can help me.

Ciao Fabio, se abiliti la modalità sviluppatore potrai prendere nota del markup id (guardando il codice sorgente della pagina) della parte che ti interessa modificare e nel tema inserirai il codice per modificarla, per esempio
add_action( 'beans_themarkupidyouneed_append_markup', 'add_br' );
function add_br() {
echo '<br/>';
Con beans queste modifiche le puoi fare tutte in functions.php senza creare altri files

Grazie Manuel P. Ma non non sembra funzionare. Ho abilitato la modalità sviluppatore, preso nota del markup id, guardando il codice sorgente della pagina.
Questo è quello che ho torvato.
Cosi ho creato questo da aggiungere al function.
//Modify the title category
add_action( 'beans_archive_title', 'add_br' );
function add_br() {
echo '<br/> output test<br/>';
Ma nulla. Trovi qualcosa di errato?

Hello Fabio,
If I were you, I would read this, on the WordPress developper resources documentation.
Have a look at the filter shown at the end of the page, it could be useful.
Have a nice evening ! 🙂

I tried different ways and at the end I solved with this:
beans_remove_action( 'beans_post_archive_title' );
I found this solution here: https://community.getbeans.io/discussion/updating-to-beans-1-4-0-remove-categories-dont-work/
Thanks all

Hey guys,
Fabio's last answer is the correct way of removing the post archive title 🙂
Have fun guys,
Note: while it make me smile to see you guys chatting in Italien, I have to kindly ask you to keep it English for all of use to understand and benefit from your discussion 😉