How do I ONLY hide the page titles and not the post titles?
I tried to hide it with CSS:
.uk-article-title {
display: none;
But it hid page and post titles. Then there was also a code snippet for hiding post and page. I have not yet found the code snippet to only hide page titles.
Aha! This CSS code works for just hiding page titles:
.page .uk-article-title {
display: none;

Hi Paal, my solution below. You must create a page.php file. Enter this code inside it.
// Remove the page title.
beans_remove_action( 'beans_post_title' );
// Load Beans document.
and place this file ( page.php ) in Your child theme.
You can read some basic rules of hierarchy of wordpress templates, to know better how to work with templates files, here.

Hi Fabio
The easiest solution I have found up to now is using CSS:
I found a CSS option:
.page .uk-article-title {
display: none;
I happen to also post in another thread: https://community.getbeans.io/discussion/remov-title-and-change-archive-h1/

Fantastic! Elegant solutions. Fabio

Hi guys, take a look at my answer here.
Have fun,