Hey Thierry, do you have some news about the WordPress theme directory integration of Beans?
I like to make more themes. But without WP directory integration, the spread of my themes will be very limited.
Many people scared to use child themes and even more people are scared, if the temes not in the WP directory.
thanks Jochen

Hey Jochen,
It is currently still being discussed but as I mentioned during in the other discussion, some area of the framework such as processing LESS is probably not going to make it. WordPress theme directory is very "standard" theme orientated and what can be done is limited.
Once the full review is done, we will have to choose very carefully whether some of Beans features needs to be abstracted in a plugin and how to approach it if we think that it is worth moving/compromising some features. I would like to reinsure you that what ever the decision is, it will be done intelligently and won't just blindly change everything, backwards compatibility is one of Beans core value and very close to my heart.
Yes WordPress.org is very important but we can't compromise on what Beans offers to developpers and all other users just to be in the directory.
Regarding your themes, all (or almost) the most successfull themes and child themes are not on .org. The WP theme directory is not a marketing tool, is a place to share your work and it is important to differenciate between the two. Some people think that being on .org will make them ugely popular, well I am afraid but it isn't the case and not its purpose 😉
You can trust that as soon as the decision as been made, whether Beans goes on .org or not, I will update this post and write in details about the final decision and the future.

I see. But how can it take that long? Are you sure they get the theme? I have submitted two plugins and it took less then a week, to get it approved or an answer.
Ah, I never thought about that. It's a very good idea to move LESS and other things to plugins. On the other side, the API/compiler and LESS is the heard of Beans...
I don't want to sell my themes. I just want to share them. So the WP directory is the right place for that. For marketing, I would go to themeforest.

Or an other idea. Would it be possible the "export" a finished child theme, to a standalone theme. Without LESS, the compiler and everything else what the WP.org guys not like.

Hey Jochen,
WP themes review and plugins review are completely separated. Themes review are currently behind and the current estimated review timeframe is about 3 - 4 months. Beans is currently being reviewed and will still take time before the final decision (it isn't like any conventionnal theme). As I mentioned I will post an update as soon as the review is done.
Regarding extracting features in plugins, there is stuff which we might consider and others we would not compromise on even if it costs not making it on .org as I explained in my previous answer.
Regarding "exporting a finished product", this is not something that Beans Core would do. Beans aimed to be flexible and extendable in order make web development a breeze without compromising on performance and quality. "Exporting a finished product" (removing features which makes Beans flexible such as the UIkit compiler) would defeat its purpose as a product. That said it is something that you can do for your client/themes yourself if it feets your needs.
Hope that answer your questions,