First of all, I am a huge fan of your framework. You are doing a great job in Beans. But there are problems I want to mentions. I want to learn Beans and create my own Wordpress theme. Unfortunately resources are limited in your website. I am aware of https://wpbeansframework.com/wordpress-beans-resources/ but still current outer tutorials are not so much and not up-to-date.
Is there any other tutorial that you can refer? Maybe there is one (which is up to date) and I missed it.
Thank you.

- Documentaiton https://www.getbeans.io/documentation/
- Code snippets https://www.getbeans.io/code-snippets/
- Code reference https://www.getbeans.io/code-reference/
- Extra https://wpbeansframework.com
Uikit v2:
It's very important to use a child theme https://www.getbeans.io/documentation/starter-child-theme/. The best way to learn is to start practicing using examples from Documentation.
If you struggle, do a search on Support forum, perhaps someone asked it before or create a new discussion.